Whether you are looking for a venue to host your next corporate seminar, or you're looking to showcase your talents on our stage, the Sumter Opera House and adjoining City Centre provide spaces in the heart of Downtown Sumter. With close proximity to a modern hotel, fine and casual dining, and local boutique shopping. The Sumter Opera House is sure to provide a great experience for your audience!
Please note:
The City of Sumter has the authority to select the type of programming presented at the Sumter Opera House. Programs containing abusive language or nudity will not be allowed. Performance references must be supplied to the Opera House Director upon request.
Smoking is prohibited within the Sumter Opera House.
The seating capacity of the Opera House is Five Hundred Fifty (550).
Please click on the link above and fill out our Booking Inquiry Form in as much detail as possible and someone from our team will reach out to you!
Helpful Links:
Rental Fees
Rental Guidelines
Contact Us
Technical Info:
Audio Information
Floor Plan - Balcony
Floor Plan - Orchestra
Lighting Diagram
Stage Diagram
Video & Lighting
For more information, contact Seth Reimer at (803) 436-2616 or sreimer@sumtersc.gov.