Acoustic Café Series
An Acoustic Café concert is an invitation to a memorable artistic, acoustic, & culinary experience held in the intimate space of our City Centre. Each concert is designed to introduce new and current artists into our region through an "unplugged" atmosphere. The evening begins with a social hour starting at 6:30 pm featuring treats and refreshments from a local Sumter coffee shop/café with the performance beginning at 7:30 pm.
While the performers love the audience to applaud, laugh, and often sing along, too much conversation during the show distracts other listeners. We encourage talking before the show, between sets, at intermissions, and after the show but ask that during the performances, audience members keep their voices low and movement to a minimum.
Seating is general admission.
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Rental Information
Main Stage Series
Matinee Series
For more information, contact Seth Reimer at (803) 436-2616 or sreimer@sumtersc.gov.
Ian Sherwood
February 14 at 7:30 PM
A special Valentine’s Day Acoustic Café featuring Canadian Singer and Songwriter Ian Sherwood. Guitar, saxophone, creative songwriting and a voice that won him a Canadian Folk Music Award for Contemporary
Singer, Ian is a born story teller and a constant creator. Dancing the line between folk and pop his music and live performances thrive on intimacy.
Ticket pricing includes Champagne and specialty desserts from our series sponsor Brubaker’s Cafe & Bakery!